set tee

Some projects like Enodo project may benefit from receiving all SiriDB data. Because these projects usually experience the same scaling problems as SiriDB does, we have chosen to support a tee option on each SiriDB server.

Once a tee is configured, SiriDB will try to connect to the tee, and once a connection is established, all SiriDB data points will be forwarded to the tee. Note that each SiriDB server in a cluster must be able to access the tee.

A package send to the tee will have a header like:

│ LEN (4)   │ ID (2)    │ TYPE (1)  │ CHK (1)   │ DATA (..) │
Field Description
LEN Length of the data, stored as Unsigned, 32-bit, Little Endian. The header size is not included in the length.
ID Can be ignored
TYPE Can be ignored
DATA Contains the actual data points in QPack format.

The data is packed like:

    'serie-name': [[<TIMESTAMP>, <VALUE>], ...],

If you like to disable the tee, then use false instead of a string.


# Configure a tee, in this example enodo.listener.local
alter database set tee 'enodo.listener.local'

# Disable the tee
alter database set tee false