Change the timezone for the database. When using a date/time in a query, SiriDB needs to convert the given date to a timestamp. Default NAIVE is used which means SiriDB is naive about the time zone and acts as if it’s a local time.
When using a SiriDB database over multiple time zones it’s probably best to set the time zone to anything other than NAIVE since with NAIVE the server receiving the query will convert the date to a local time-stamp. This means that sending the same query to a server in another time zone could respond with a different result.
However, it’s always possible in the query to specify a UTC date by adding ‘Z’ to the date. For example: ‘2016-01-11 16:00Z’ will use UTC as it’s time zone, no matter what time zone the database has configured.
For a list of valid time zones see timezones.
# Set the default time zone to UTC
alter database set timezone 'UTC'
# Set the default time zone to NAIVE
alter database set timezone 'NAIVE'
# Set the default time zone to Europe/Amsterdam
alter database set timezone 'Europe/Amsterdam'